“Building A Kingdom That Will Last”
11th Sunday in Ordinary Time – B
Today’s gospel reading has two parables, but they are not about farming tips. The first is about the fact that no matter what a farmer does, he has no control over the seed sprouting into a plant and bearing grain. The second is about the Kingdom of God being compared to a mustard seed, that though the smallest of seeds springs up to become the largest of plants.
The parable of the growing seed and the parable of the mustard seed both call to mind God’s grace in our lives and in the building of the kingdom of God; God’s grace that moves mysteriously in ways that we cannot comprehend or grasp. We plant seeds through our words and actions, but we need to remember that God is in control and not us. We are collaborators but it is God who is the builder. Thus, the kingdom of God grows mysteriously, and we are called to trust in God’s presence even when times are dark and difficult, such as the last year with the pandemic.
One important thing for us to remember as Catholic Christians is that God’s kingdom is not a material kingdom, but a Spiritual kingdom – one that should already be living and thriving deep in our hearts and souls, bringing grace upon our lives, sweeping us along on our faith journey.
So, how do we help build up God’s kingdom? We can begin by continuing to be and build among ourselves a community where everyone is not only welcome, like our entrance Song suggests, but treat everyone as equal. We can begin by praying for the grace of God to be given to us so that we too may be instruments of God’s love and grace in the broken world in which we live.
- We can begin by helping, here in our parish, and civic organizations that work to alleviate the suffering of the poor and needy in our local community.
- We can begin by striving to be a community that is a beacon of light, blessed by all that we have to help the less fortunate.
- We can begin but offering ourselves; through our gifts of Time, Talent and Treasure for the building up of our faith community right here at St. Aloysius/St. Benedict. The more we become attuned to our Spiritual lives, the more we will become involved in building up the kingdom of God.
We are called to place ourselves in God’s loving hands and to allow him to use us as he sees fit in the building of his Kingdom of peace, justice, and love. We might be frustrated and even discouraged by continued racism, oppression, hatred, violence, intolerance and so on but we cannot and should never give up. If we are truly committed to living out the gospel values in our lives, then three things are necessary: planting, growth and harvesting.
First, allow the seed of God’s love to be planted deep within our hearts, and trust that the desired result rests with God.
Second, we must accept with confidence that the seeds will grow to a spiritual maturity without worry, strain, and anxiety – yet nourishing the seed along the way.
Third, harvesting – accepting the results as they appear, even if they appear different from what we expected. Finally, to trust God who cares for us and loves us deeply!
God bless this faith family, and all who live in simplicity of heart.
Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalm 92: 2-3, 13-14, 15-16 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Mark 4:26-34