Pastors Corner

 September – Gratitude & Requests

Sept 3, 2023

September, dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows, is a recognition that the Mother of God also had a cross to bear. This is also the month in which we celebrate the Exultation of the Holy Cross, a day in which we recognize the cross as a sign of victory out of inevitable defeat. Before the cross has this mystical transformation, Mary was called upon to stand at the foot of the cross and bear witness to the agony of her beloved son. Some might say that this would have been an impossible task if she did not know deep within her Immaculate Heart that the cross and tomb were not the end of the story. In this way, Mary bears witness to the internal strength to take up one’s own cross and the hope that is sustained with the quiet support of accompanying another as they carry their cross. The cross is not easy, it is not meant to be, and yet we have Mary’s powerful witness of acceptance and God’s victory over that same cross. This month we are challenged to follow her example; I pray we open ourselves to that grace. 

O most holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ: by the overwhelming grief you experienced when you witnessed the martyrdom, the crucifixion, and death of your divine Son, look upon me with eyes of compassion, and awaken in my heart a tender commiseration for those sufferings, as well as a sincere detestation of my sins, in order that being disengaged from all undue affection for the passing joys of this earth, I may sigh after the eternal Jerusalem, and that henceforward all my thoughts and all my actions may be directed towards this one most desirable object. Honor, glory, and love to our divine Lord Jesus, and to the holy and immaculate Mother of God. Amen.  

In Gratitude to:  

· The multitude of volunteers who took a few minutes, a few hours, or several days to help set up, take down, prep for, and run the Summer Social. What an amazing sign of a community coming together for a united purpose. I am honored to be a part of this community and I wish I could thank every one of you by name but please know that it is with extreme gratitude that I thank you. Especially the Social planning committee who made the social run as smoothly as it does.  

· Tammy Manley, Kathy Roy, and Pablo Fierros of the parish staff for all their work in coordinating, setting up and processing the results of our Summer Social. Without their essential help this amazing event would not have been possible.  

· The Knights of Columbus out of Saint Francis Xavier Parish who fried the chicken for the social. I have been working with them over the past several weeks in the desire to increase our mutual support for the building of the Kingdom of God.  

· The young servers who have attended training and recently served on the altar with some of our older servers in preparation for serving on their own in just a few weeks. I am delighted to have attentive servers which aids in the celebration and reverence at Mass. Many thanks to their parents for bringing them and aiding in their service to Christ’s Church.  

· Dolores Vittitow, who recently altered some vestments for me at Saint Benedict’s, making them much more functional, which allows me to focus on the prayers of the Mass.   

Those who have made themselves available for the new Wednesday evening adoration at Saint Aloysius.  

Requests for:  

Your attention to the weekday Mass schedule and your openness to attending the morning adoration period Mon. – Fri. 7-8 AM at St. Aloysius, Mass at 8 AM at St. Aloysius Mon, Wed, Fri. and 8:30 AM Mass at St. Benedict. I hope to build a greater sense of community by starting our day with prayer. 

Two Parishes, One Heart,  

Fr. Adam