Pastors Corner

Seven Points of the Gospel

Sept 10, 2023

Last weekend, I preached on the necessity of proclaiming the fullness of the Gospel, not just the parts we like. I read a list of seven points of the Gospel – the Good News of Jesus Christ. So that you have those points before you, I included them in this article: 

· God loves you and has a plan for your life

· Sin will destroy you

· Christ Jesus died to save you

· Repent and believe in the Gospel

· Be baptized and receive the Holy Spirit

· Abide in Christ and His Body, the Church

· Go, make disciples

The goal of this list, put together by Bible scholar Jeff Cavins in his article A Cup of KeurigMa: How to Proclaim the Gospel, is to remind us of the completeness of the Gospel and provide a template for us to use in our lives. In this way, we can reflect on this list and ask ourselves if we have lived according to these Biblical truths today – a daily or weekly examination of conscience. I intend to be more proactive in ensuring that my preaching covers at least one, if not several, of these points every Sunday, helping to keep the fullness of the Gospel in your ears. There is much work to do in the world and the Church. We trust that Christ Jesus is taking on a significant portion of the task, yet His presence challenges us to do our part. Is there a particular aspect of this list that draws you? Is there a point that makes you uneasy or adversely fills you with hope? I believe Christ is speaking to us at every moment of every day, and He is likely talking to you through this synopsis of the Gospel. What is Christ calling you to do?

Our world does not appreciate the beauty, goodness, and truth represented in this list. This disconnect has to do, I believe, with how Christ, and His bride the Church, desire to conform us to Christ’s image. Our society prefers the message that we should struggle to figure out who we are – to work on ourselves and mold ourselves according to our image. This self-focus leaves God out of the picture and makes an idol out of our identity. The vice of pride and the ease with which we succumb to idolatry are primary tactics to destroy us in the enemy’s war of sin. 

I realize that we do not enjoy thinking about sin, pride, idolatry, and their effects on our lives, but I assure you that this avoidance is a tactic of the enemy. Sin lulls us into a false sense that this is just the way it is, and before long, we no longer recognize our danger. May we not be led astray; may we seek to pick up our cross and follow after Him!

Two Parishes, One Heart,

Fr. Adam