Pastors Corner

A Simple Examination of Conscience

December 15, 2024

When was my last Confession? Within the last year? Did I receive Communion while in the state of mortal sin? Did I intentionally fail to confess some mortal sin in my previous Confession?

First Commandment– Did I willfully and seriously doubt my faith, or put myself in danger of losing? Did I engage in superstitious activities: palm reading, fortune telling? Have I rejected or neglected my faith? Have I been ashamed of my faith? Is there any aspect of my faith that I do not accept? Have I prayed daily and read the Bible?

Second – Did I take the name of God in vain? Did I curse, use bad language, or take a false oath? 

Third – Did I miss Mass on a Sunday or a holy day of obligation through my own fault, without any serious reason?  Have I been attentive during Mass? Did I fast before Mass and abstain on the prescribed days? Have I received Holy Communion without proper reverence?

Fourth – Did I disrespect my parents or disobey lawful superiors in important matters? Have I been honest and diligent in my work? If I am married, do I seek to love my spouse above all else? Do I put my marriage and my children first? 

Fifth – Did I cause physical injury or even death? Was I selfish in how I treated others? Did I hatefully, quarrel with anyone, or desire revenge? Did I get drunk? Did I take illicit drugs? Did I consent to, advise, or actively take part in an abortion?

Sixth / Ninth – Did I willfully look at indecent pictures, videos, magazines, books? Did I engage in impure jokes or conversations? Did I willfully entertain impure thoughts or feelings? Did I commit impure acts, alone or with others? Did I take contraceptive or abortifacient pills, or use other artificial means in order to prevent conception? Am I living with someone as if I were married when I am not? Am I faithful to my spouse? Have I reserved romance for my spouse?

Seventh / Tenth – Did I steal or damage another’s property? Have I been honest in my business relations? Have I been proud or selfish in my thoughts or actions? Have I neglected the poor and those in need? Have I spent money on my own personal comfort, forgetting my responsibilities to others and the Church? Have I given in to laziness? Have I neglected the responsibility to bring others closer to God through my example and words?

Eighth – Did I tell lies? Did I sin by slander or gossip? By detraction – telling unknown grave faults of others without necessity? Did I judge others rashly? Have I fostered resentments or been unwilling to forgive?

Two Parishes, One Heart,   

Fr. Adam