Pastors Corner

I am Pro-Life

October 22, 2023

This weekend we will talk about what it means to be Pro-Life. This is uncomfortable for many of us because we believe we’re not supposed to talk about politics. In the list below, we face many realities that have a political tinge. Some are issues clearly appropriated by one party, and we can be tempted to sway this way or that way. This is not the purpose of the conversation. We are here today to work on forming our conscience by looking at the vast array of issues that make up the seamless garment of the Pro-Life mentality. Every person, including that person that comes to mind for you; every person is to be treated with dignity and respect. We are consistently challenged by the broadness of the Father’s love to open our hearts more and more. Let us pray…

Eternal God, You have revealed Yourself as the Father of all Life. We praise You for the Fatherly care which You extend to all creation, and especially to us, made in Your image and likeness.

Father, extend Your hand of protection to those threatened by abortion and save them from its destructive power. Give Your strength to all fathers, that they may never give in to the fears that may tempt them to facilitate abortions.

Bless our families, bless our parish, and bless our land, that we may have the joy of welcoming and nurturing the life of which You are the source and the Eternal Father. Amen.

I am pro-life – I refuse to give into fear.

I am pro-life – I support healthy families.

I am pro-life – I support universal access to healthcare.

I am pro-life – I support abolishing the death penalty.

I am pro-life – I support universal access to quality education.

I am pro-life – I support efforts to protect the world entrusted to us.

I am pro-life – I support reasonable gun regulation.

I am pro-life – I support natural death with dignity.

I am pro-life – I support the resettlement of the world’s displaced.

I am pro-life – I support immigration reform.

I am pro-life – I support prison reform.

I am pro-life – I support rehabilitation of criminals and addicts.

I am pro-life – I support a just and living-wage.

I am pro-life – I support universal access to safe food and water.

I am pro-life – I support the mentally ill and suicidal.

I am pro-life – I support our veterans, our nation’s poor, and our world’s destitute.

I am pro-life – I support the elderly, and the disabled.

I am pro-life – I support efforts made toward world peace.

I am pro-life – I support adoption services.

I am pro-life – I support safe places for pregnant women and girls.

I am pro-life – I support every unborn child and refuse to see a pregnancy as a sin.

I am pro-life – I support the natural human rights of the unborn.

I am pro-life – I support natural conception and prenatal care.

I am pro-life – I support those who have lost a child.

I am pro-life – I support paid maternity leave.

I am pro-life – I support families struggling to conceive.

I am pro-life – I care beyond borders.

I am pro-life – I refuse to fear my fellow brothers and sisters.

Two Parishes, One Heart,

Fr. Adam