Pastors Corner

March – Gratitude & Requests

March 3, 2024

This month highlights the patronage of a most powerful intercessor – Saint Joseph. If you have yet to take up a special devotion to Saint Joseph, I suggest you do so, especially in the remaining weeks of Lent, so that he may guide you ever closer to his adopted son. The following prayer, and others just like it, asking the intercession of Saint Joseph can be found online. 

Memorare to St. Joseph: 

Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my great protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come before you. Do not turn down my petitions, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them. Amen.  

This prayer, modeled after the Memorare to the Blessed Virgin Mary, reminds us that asking a friend to pray for us, and asking a saint in heaven to intercede for us, are one and the same reality – a relationship in the Body of Christ!   

In Gratitude to:  

· All the many volunteers who make our fish fries possible. The dedication that so many have for this fundraising and community building opportunity during the Lenten season blows me away. I’m honored to be your pastor! 

· Patrick McGuire for leading the Lenten formation opportunity at Saint Benedict weekly after Mass in the Saint Benedict cafeteria. 

· Those who have come to Stations of the Cross, it has been a pleasure to pray with you.

· Those who attend adoration at either Saint Aloysius or Saint Benedict. It has been six months since we incorporated more times for adoration and I know I have experienced the positive effect in my prayer life.  

· Those who attend the morning Coffee & Conversations – what a wonderful way to just spend sometime with one another talking about what’s going on in our lives but also how God is active in shaping the world around us.  

· The staff of Saints Aloysius and Benedict for taking me out to eat for my birthday a few weeks ago. I am blessed to be a part of a group of caring hardworking disciples of Christ. 

Requests for:  

· Your continued help with the fish fries. As the Lenten season continues I can understand some reluctance to show up. If you’re like me you are always glad that you did. 

· You taking some time out of your busy schedule to take advantage of the prayer opportunities that are available. Come pray the stations with us, or spend a few minutes in quite adoration, your soul will thank you. 

Two Parishes, One Heart,

Fr. Adam