Pastor's Desk

Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper

“A Past Event becomes A Present Reality”

Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper

This evening’s Mass is called the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. It is often called The Last Supper because that was the last meal that Jesus had with His disciples. It is at this Mass of the Lord’s Supper that we remember the past event and make it a present reality – tonight.

It was at the Last Supper that Jesus instituted the Holy Eucharist for us, His disciples, so that every time we gather at table, we will remember His great act of love, when His Body was broken, and His blood was poured out for our sins.

That act took the disciples completely by surprise. They were having the Passover meal and that meal recalled the events of the first reading, when the Israelites were delivered from slavery in Egypt and became the Chosen People of God. Then something happened at that meal. Jesus gave His disciples His Body and Blood in the form of bread and wine and told them to do this in memory of Him, and this was mentioned in the second reading. And while they were still puzzled at what Jesus meant by His Body and Blood, Jesus got up from table and washed their feet. 

From the Passover meal to Jesus giving His Body and Blood, to the washing of feet, all that may seem to be unconnected. But the meaning becomes clear when we can see the connection by this aspect of remembering. The past events are recalled and remembered. The memories are renewed, and with that the blessings from God are poured forth in this present reality.

In this Mass, we recall how God delivered His people, we remember what Jesus told us to do in memory of Him, and we remember the example of service with humility that Jesus gave. 

And so, we remember, that we are God’s chosen people, that Jesus gave us His Body and Blood so that we are united with Him in His suffering and death, and like Jesus, we are called to serve with love and humility. 

So, the Holy Triduum begins with remembering the saving events of our faith. 

What we remember, we must put into practice. The first thing to put into practice is Thanksgiving, and we must always give thanks for the Eucharist, which is the source and summit of our faith, the source of all blessings. 

Blessings must also be put into action by serving God and others with love and humility. 

Let us remember all this, and Jesus will pour forth upon us blessings upon blessings.