“Love is a Many Splendored Thing!”
Sixth Sunday of Easter – B
A political dignitary goes to England for the Coronation of Edward VII. While there he watches a-s the crown is placed on Henry’s head, he attends the Balls and Galas, he chatted with celebrities and was even introduced to the new King. When the man returned home his family asked him: “what was the most outstanding moment for you while in England?” The man answered: “the most outstanding moment for me was while I was walking down the street, I saw a young man of about 13 or 14 huddled with a young girl, I presume his sister of about 5 in a doorway. The young man had covered the young girl with his coat and her feet with his hat.” For me that was the most extraordinary moment – that kind of love is truly a splendid type of love!”
- What makes Love “Splendid?”
-the fact that it is freely given
-the fact that it makes few demands on the beloved
-the fact that it is “other” centered
- In Gospel Love two points become clear:
- First, Christian Love is not something we do on our own, we are able
To love because Jesus has first loved us.
- Second, the love of Christ is a fruitful love – the lover does the unthinkable,
lays down one’s life for another.
- Jesus’ love is complete in us only when it calls forth from us a total self-surrender.
This was the real love shown by the young man to the young girl in the story. We must give without counting the cost.
Resurrection life is filled with love, joy, family, and friends, when it is grounded in the stark reality of self-surrender. Jesus said: “If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commandments and remain in his love. I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy might be complete.”
- What kind of Love does Jesus call us to?
- An attitude of love that flows from a conscious decision
- An attitude of love that moves beyond the boundaries of hate, discrimination
and prejudice.
- Jesus models for us three kinds of giving:
- Self-giving: loving without counting the cost
- Forgiving: forgiving without conditions
- Thanksgiving: loving with a grateful heart
Jesus told us this so that his joy might be in us and our joy might be complete.