Pastor's Corner

July – Gratitude & Requests                                                   

July 7, 2024

In July, the Universal Church turns toward the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ as our source of devotion. This is the blood that flows through the Sacred Heart. This is the blood that enlivened the Immaculate Heart. This is the blood that is offered to you. Poured out for the forgiveness of your sins and the sanctification of your life, marriage, family, and community. Join me this month in asking for the grace to be more firmly dedicated to Christ through His Precious Blood poured out for us all.   

Dedication of a Family to the Precious Blood 

Permit us, O Jesus, to dedicate to you each member of our family. Accept each of us and may every beat of our hearts be an act of love for you. By the power of your Precious Blood, may we be strengthened and sustained in our daily difficulties. May we be a sign, to each other, and to all with whom we come in contact, of your life in us. 

Bless our home, dear Jesus. Bless our joys and sufferings. Bless every moment of our lives and especially the moment of our death. After living for the glory of your Precious Blood on earth, may we have the joy of praising you eternally in heaven. Amen.

In Gratitude to: 

· Seminarian Conor McClure for his work in putting together the first 2 of 4 presentations on the Book of Revelation and for all of those who have helped to set up the room downstairs and provide food. 

· Tammy Manley for keeping our parish office working efficiently and for all she does to provide for the needs of the parish. 

· The Saint Aloysius Social Committee for all their diligent work thus far and all that they will do to organize this important parish fundraising event. 

·  The Saint Benedict volunteers who worked so well together to paint the cafeteria and really help to complete all the good work that was begun with the new flooring! 

Requests For:

· Your assistance in selling the chances for the Saint Aloysius Social raffle and for volunteers to fill the many important spots that we have need for workers. 

· Your assistance in keeping the food box at Saint Aloysius well stocked for those in need, after all, we are told that in feeding the hungry we feed Christ himself.  

·  Your continued prayers that the Holy Spirit will magnify the work we do to glorify Christ’s name in both parishes. 

Two Parishes, One Heart,


Fr. Adam