Pastor's Corner

Testimonial From The National Eucharistic Congress 

July 28, 2024

This is what Jeffery Bruno, an award-winning photographer, writer, and creative director had to say regarding the Eucharistic procession on the last day of the National Eucharistic Congress last week: 

National Eucharistic Procession – Indianapolis, Indiana

I was fine until I saw his smile…

We had just experienced 10 weeks of Eucharistic Pilgrimage and procession across the nation.

And I’ve had the extraordinary privilege of being present for many of the miles.

But this was different.

53,000+ in a Eucharistic Procession?

Joyfully and with hearts full of desire, following Christ?

In the heart of the United States of America?

There are no words.

But that’s never stopped me before.

I was surrounded by those who love Him, praise Him, and seek His Way.

Immersed in their Faith and surrounded by His Grace.

And I pushed and pushed to capture moments that might communicate this transcendent moment in history…

The transcendent reality of His Grace…

And I was fine until I saw his smile…

When Bishop Cozzens raised Christ in the Blessed Sacrament for Benediction and turned towards the East, I saw his joy…

…his joy was His Joy

And with that, after seeing and understanding this soul-deep reality…

I lost it

We just experienced a taste of heaven on earth.

We transcended space, time, and the human condition and were swept up in His Love.

I pray to live in that moment forever.

And I pray that you do to

We only captured a glimpse because earth is still earth, and heaven is still heaven…

And there’s a difference.

But Praise God for this moment of moments, and I pray that this Eucharistic Congress is the first of many to come…

Because it’s the answer to the question

Every question

Every problem

Every need

Because at the heart of the Eucharistic Congress is one thing…

One Person…

Jesus Christ.

And He’s the answer to it all.

Two Parishes, One Heart,

Fr. Adam