Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion to those who gather for Mass. Anyone interested in becoming an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion can contact Father Terry or call the parish office at 502-543-5918.
Lectors are Ministers of the Word in the liturgical assembly. They proclaim the designated scripture readings to us at our weekend Masses. If you are interested in becoming a Lector for St. Aloysius or St. Benedict, please contact the parish office.
Coordinator of Music
Our Coordinator of Music is primarily responsible for music at the Saturday evening Mass at 4:30 pm, 9:00 am and 11:00 am for Sunday liturgy. She also provides music for funerals, holy days, and special occasions. Anyone interested in joining the St. Aloysius or St. Benedict choir can contact Jeanie Noltemeyer at 833-4890.
Cantors are parishioners who assist the coordinator of music in leading the congregation in song and prayer. If you would like to become a cantor, please contact Jeanie Noltemeyer, Coordinator of Music.
Ushers & Greeters
Ushers and greeters create a welcoming atmosphere by greeting those who come to Mass. These important ministers are often the first person that guests and parishioners encounter when they enter our church. Anyone interested in this ministry at St. Aloysius or St. Benedict, please contact the parish office (502) 543-5918.
Altar Servers
Altar servers may be any member of the parish, (boys or girls, men or women) who assist the Priest during Mass. Adult altar servers assist the priest and youth servers. Adult altar servers also serve for funerals. Contact Father Terry or the Parish Office if you are interested.
Art & Environment
Arts and Environment Committee members are responsible for seasonal decorations in the worship area. Anyone interested in assisting with decorating the church please call the parish office.
Collection Counters
Teams of volunteers gather on Mondays to count our tithings and prepare the deposit for the bank. Collections are always handled in the presence of at least two people.
Ministers to the Homebound
Ministers to the homebound are extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion whose primary responsibility is to take the Eucharist to the sick and homebound. They visit parishioners in their home, hospitals or nursing homes. If you are a member of the parish who is homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home contact the parish office.
The Bereavement Ministry assists parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. If requested, the volunteers prepare a meal for the family after the funeral or may deliver food for the family to the funeral home. Anyone interested in helping with bereavement can contact Chris Winders at 502-377-5924 for St. Aloysius and Jane Crawford at 502-833-4494 for St. Benedict.
Bounty of Hope (St. Aloysius)
Bounty of Hope provides a Christmas dinner for the elderly and families in need on Christmas Day from 7:00 am until 12:00 noon. Anyone who wishes to donate their time or make a financial contribution to help pay expenses can contact Jose Cubero at 502-727-9903 or call the parish office.
St. Benedict Women’s Club
The historic Women’s Club began in 1949 at the wishes of our then pastor, Father Harold Ritter. Our legend continues at this time. Due to a newly built elementary school that needed funding, Father Ritter planned to enlarge the booths at the picnic with donated parishioner’s handmade crafts to assist with some of the school’s financing. Thus the women’s club was created.
In the 1950s the next pastor, Father Boehmicke, requested additional support services from the women’s club. The 70’s produced many parish changes and the club became part of the “Hospitality” ministry. Also, at this time the women’s club began serving bereaved families. If there is a need at St. Benedict the woman’s club is prepared to step in to help. The women’s club offers a fellowship opportunity for women of all ages.
Call Jamie Argenbright at 502-833-4677 if you would like to join.
Grounds/Facilities Committee
The Grounds/Facilities Committee monitors the buildings and the grounds of St. Aloysius/St. Benedict campuses. The cleaning and maintenance are overseen by this committee. Volunteers who are willing to donate their time and talent to help maintain the campus are always needed. Call the parish office at (502) 543-5918 if you would like to help.
Lenten Fish Frys
St. Aloysius hosts their fish fry every Friday during Lent, 5:00 pm until 7:30 pm, Drive-Thru available.
St. Benedict also hosts their fish fry every Friday during Lent from 11 am until 7 pm.
Rod Run (St. Benedict)
St. Benedict will have five Rod Run/Fish Frys from Spring until Fall (June–October ). Come out for great food and fellowship! For dates and information see your church calendar and bulletin or contact Bobby Hartlage Sr. at (502) 833-4997.
Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the upstairs room of the gym at St. Aloysius. For more information contact Maggie Kenney 543-6225.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion assist the priest in distributing Holy Communion to those who gather for Mass. Anyone interested in becoming an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion can contact Father Terry or call the parish office at 502-543-5918.
Lectors are Ministers of the Word in the liturgical assembly. They proclaim the designated scripture readings to us at our weekend Masses. If you are interested in becoming a Lector for St. Aloysius or St. Benedict, please contact the parish office.
Coordinator of Music
Our Coordinator of Music is primarily responsible for music at the Saturday evening Mass at 4:30 pm, 9:00 am and 11:00 am for Sunday liturgy. She also provides music for funerals, holy days, and special occasions. Anyone interested in joining the St. Aloysius or St. Benedict choir can contact Jeanie Noltemeyer at 833-4890.
Cantors are parishioners who assist the coordinator of music in leading the congregation in song and prayer. If you would like to become a cantor, please contact Jeanie Noltemeyer, Coordinator of Music.
Ushers & Greeters
Ushers and greeters create a welcoming atmosphere by greeting those who come to Mass. These important ministers are often the first person that guests and parishioners encounter when they enter our church. Anyone interested in this ministry at St. Aloysius or St. Benedict, please contact the parish office (502) 543-5918.
Altar Servers
Altar servers may be any member of the parish, (boys or girls, men or women) who assist the Priest during Mass. Adult altar servers assist the priest and youth servers. Adult altar servers also serve for funerals. Contact Father Terry or the Parish Office if you are interested.
Art & Environment
Arts and Environment Committee members are responsible for seasonal decorations in the worship area. Anyone interested in assisting with decorating the church please call the parish office.
Collection Counters
Teams of volunteers gather on Mondays to count our tithings and prepare the deposit for the bank. Collections are always handled in the presence of at least two people.
Ministers to the Homebound
Ministers to the homebound are extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion whose primary responsibility is to take the Eucharist to the sick and homebound. They visit parishioners in their home, hospitals or nursing homes. If you are a member of the parish who is homebound, hospitalized, or in a nursing home contact the parish office.
The Bereavement Ministry assists parishioners who have experienced a death in their family. If requested, the volunteers prepare a meal for the family after the funeral or may deliver food for the family to the funeral home. Anyone interested in helping with bereavement can contact Chris Winders at 502-377-5924 for St. Aloysius and Jane Crawford at 502-833-4494 for St. Benedict.
Bounty of Hope (St. Aloysius)
Bounty of Hope provides a Christmas dinner for the elderly and families in need on Christmas Day from 7:00 am until 12:00 noon. Anyone who wishes to donate their time or make a financial contribution to help pay expenses can contact Jose Cubero at 502-727-9903 or call the parish office.
Parish Social Life
St. Benedict Women’s Club
The historic Women’s Club began in 1949 at the wishes of our then pastor, Father Harold Ritter. Our legend continues at this time. Due to a newly built elementary school that needed funding, Father Ritter planned to enlarge the booths at the picnic with donated parishioner’s handmade crafts to assist with some of the school’s financing. Thus the women’s club was created.
In the 1950s the next pastor, Father Boehmicke, requested additional support services from the women’s club. The 70’s produced many parish changes and the club became part of the “Hospitality” ministry. Also, at this time the women’s club began serving bereaved families. If there is a need at St. Benedict the woman’s club is prepared to step in to help. The women’s club offers a fellowship opportunity for women of all ages.
Call Jamie Argenbright at 502-833-4677 if you would like to join.
Grounds/Facilities Committee
The Grounds/Facilities Committee monitors the buildings and the grounds of St. Aloysius/St. Benedict campuses. The cleaning and maintenance are overseen by this committee. Volunteers who are willing to donate their time and talent to help maintain the campus are always needed. Call the parish office at (502) 543-5918 if you would like to help.
Lenten Fish Frys
St. Aloysius hosts their fish fry every Friday during Lent, 5:00 pm until 7:30 pm, Drive-Thru available.
St. Benedict also hosts their fish fry every Friday during Lent from 11 am until 7 pm.
Rod Run (St. Benedict)
St. Benedict will have five Rod Run/Fish Frys from Spring until Fall (June–October ). Come out for great food and fellowship! For dates and information see your church calendar and bulletin or contact Bobby Hartlage Sr. at (502) 833-4997.
Every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the upstairs room of the gym at St. Aloysius. For more information contact Maggie Kenney 543-6225.