Pastor's Corner

2023 Catholic Services Appeal

October 8, 2023

I wouldn’t say I like talking about money; I don’t like preaching about money, and time and again, studies have shown that I am not alone. Catholics generally hear about financial contributions far less than our Protestant and Evangelical counterparts. We also typically give less to our parishes and dioceses as a direct result of the lack of preaching and understanding of what it means to connect giving with spirituality. What I do enjoy is talking about discipleship. Discipleship genuinely means that we trust Him and His bride, the Church, with the whole of our being – money and all. Every October, the parishes of the Archdiocese take part in the Catholic Services Appeal process – the CSA. I realize that finances are tight; I also realize the desire of your heart to trust in God with abandon. If you contributed last year to the CSA, I ask that you make the same contribution. If you can, I also ask you to prayerfully consider increasing that gift. In the Church, pastors are encouraged to lead by example. In the spirit of discipleship, I share with you that my contribution this year will be $200 – $100 toward the goal of each of our parishes. I make this contribution while maintaining a 10% pre-tax contribution to our parishes. Our goal at Saint Aloysius is $11,800, with a participation goal of 79 families. The goal for Saint Benedict’s is $7,000 with a participation goal of 41. Collectively, the goal for our two parishes is $18,800 with 120 participants. This means that, on average, the contribution requested is $157 per family. Some will give more; many will provide less. I ask that you prayerfully discern what your gift should be. My only reason for revealing my contribution is to assure you that I believe in the work of the Archdiocese of Louisville and our parishes. Out of that belief, I invite you to trust what the Lord is doing in our lives. 

There are many reasons to contribute to the CSA while actively supporting one’s parish. For my part, I want to give you my ten reasons for supporting this year’s CSA: 

1. We really are two parishes with one heart 

2. The CSA Supports seminary education for future priests. 

3. Supporting the CSA keeps parish assessments at a minimum. 

4. The CSA supports marriage preparation in the Archdiocese.  

5. The CSA supports vocational discernment for priests and religious. 

6. The CSA shows our support of Archbishop Shelton Fabre.  

7. It is a united effort to support the many endeavors of Catholic Charities. 

8. Participating parishes are shown to be active, healthy, and collaborative.  

9. The CSA Funds efforts to bring the priests of the Archdiocese together.       

10.Advancing the mission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all the nations. 

Two Parishes, One Heart,

Fr. Adam