Pastor's Corner

December – Gratitude & Requests

December 1, 2024

It has been said that the way to ‘conceive’ Jesus in your heart is through the joint work of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. It was through their union that Jesus was first conceived in Mary’s womb. All three: Jesus, Mary, and the Holy Spirit, desire to reclaim that moment in your heart. The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is, of course, the celebration of Mary’s Immaculate Conception. Still, in the end, it all revolves around Jesus. God the Father desired to prepare the most perfect home in the womb of the Immaculate Virgin. By the Immaculate Conception, her heart was likewise perfectly positioned to contemplate the ways of her creator and savior. This brings us to the question of your heart and preparing a suitable place for the Christ child’s conception in your life. Is your heart well prepared? Might you make it a bit more hospitable? One additional virtuous act or heavenly contemplation? The Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary desire to assist in this preparation. Their union in mystical matrimony is focused on the conception of spiritual children. Their desire to see you as Jesus has the potential to move mountains and change lives. Are we willing to consider this preparation?   

Almighty, ever-living God, you inspired the Blessed Virgin Mary,  

when she was carrying your Son, to visit Elizabeth. 

Grant that, always docile to the voice of the Holy Spirit,  

we may, together with Our Lady, glorify your Name. 

Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,

who lives and reigns with you  

in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.  

In Gratitude to:  

· Everyone who has participated in our first two Angelus Potlucks, it has been something very much on my mind and heart to bring our community together in such a way as to have time to pray, eat, and learn together. I very much feel fulfilled when I am able to teach in this fashion and I am honored that you have given your time to learning more about these important areas of your faith.

· In a similar way, to those who have been attending our Sunday afternoon Vespers and Formation; it is a delight to share The Chosen with you!

· The Parish Leadership of both parishes! Thank you all who have given so much for your parish. My task as pastor is made manageable because of your diligent effort!

     The parish bereavement teams, especially of Saint Aloysius, we have had a number of funerals lately and I very much appreciate your ministry that brings comfort to those who have lost a loved one. Thank you!  

Requests for:

      Continued support from the Saint Aloysius parishioners in the annual Catholic Services Appeal. We are more than three-quarters of the way there! I know we can wrap this up before the New Year!

Two Parishes, One Heart

Fr. Adam