February 2, 2025
The Holy Family can often be seen as a reality far from our lives. Something nice to look at or reflect on from time to time, but nothing that has any real, meaningful impact on our lives. This cannot be further from the truth. Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word of God, entered the material world and took on flesh as a family member is far from something one can easily dismiss. We sometimes hear that Mary was an ‘unwed mother.’ This can be deceiving. The Gospel of Mathew clearly references Joseph as the husband of Mary; even before they lived under the same roof, they were legally married under the obligations of Matrimony. (Matthew 1:19) It is common to think of an unmarried couple living under the same roof in today’s world. We are challenged by the Holy Family to recall just what makes the family holy. A sacramental commitment to one another, unbreakable under all circumstances, may be foreign to us. Our lived experience makes us question the likelihood of a man and woman being that committed to one another. With high rates of divorce and the consistent reimagining of what a family can be, we lose sight of what a family is naturally called to be. Even though lived experience reveals how often the standard is not met – there is hope. The author of mercy Himself isn’t a figure looking in from the outside but an inseparable family member. Let us continue to pray for our families:
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, model for all Christian families, I entrust my family to your care and protection. Bless each member of my family. Help me and the members of my family to love, listen, support and accept one another. Encourage us to challenge one another to be compassionate, merciful and forgiving as we struggle with the difficulties of our lives. Guide us to seek goodness and holiness in our everyday choices, actions and attitudes. Encourage us when our faith is weak and when we fail to lead one another to Christ. Make our home a real dwelling place of peace, joy and love, where you are ever present among us. May we work to uphold each one’s dignity, integrity and unique contributions to the well-being and growth of our family. And when our time on earth is complete, bring us all safely home to you in the company of heaven. Amen.
In Gratitude to:
· All the many who, through hard work, are preparing for the upcoming fish fry’s.
· All those who sent Christmas cards, gifts and sweets for Christmas. I generally open a few cards at a time throughout January and the kindness and generosity of this community humbles me.
· The Parish councils of Saint Aloysius and Saint Benedict for their leadership and involvement with the ongoing mission of our parishes and their determination to see our parishes move in the right direction.
Requests for:
• Your help and/or patronage of the upcoming fish fry’s. The first St. Aloysius fish fry will take place Friday, Feb. 28 and at St. Benedict, Friday, March 7. These are wonderful events to bring the community together and serve our neighbors.
Two Parishes, One Heart,
Fr. Adam