May 5, 2024
The Month of May is dedicated in a special way to the Blessed Virgin Mary. This may be an opportunity for you and your family to pray the Rosary together, or more often. The Rosary is nothing to be intimidated by. There are several layers to how complicated it can be. There is a satirical scene that is often repeated in different settings – the amateur Rosary prayer says their Rosary in less than 2 minutes, by simply naming the prayers (Our Father, Hail Mary, Hail Mary, Hail Mary…). As far as this is from the ‘several Rosaries a day’ professional, I am certain that Our Lady smiles all the same, and Our Lord’s graces are bestowed. I often tell people that we are called to pray as we can and not as we ‘should.’ When one avoids prayer because they are not praying as they ‘should’ one will never grow in the practice of prayer. So, pray as you can and look to powerful intercessors like Mary and Joseph to lead you to Jesus Christ.
In Gratitude to:
· Kristi Schank and Gretchen Boone for preparing our seven wonderful children for First Communion this past weekend. The celebration was fantastic and I am equally thankful for all those who had a hand in preparing both churches for these celebrations. Everything was beautiful and went well!
· Bobby Jr and all the volunteers who came out to work on the floor in the cafeteria at Saint Benedict. If you haven’t had a chance to see it yet it is amazing and I’m sure you’ll love it!
· Those who have worked, and are still working to clean up the school at Saint Aloysius. I am very pleased with the transformation and while there is still a lot of work to do I am excited for the possibilities that exist for making use of that space.
· Theresa White and Cathy Sweatmon for all of their hard work going into the Saint Aloysius Yard Sale and for the countless volunteers who made it all possible! A great time was had by all, and the parish was able to make some money off the event, which is always nice.
· All of those who helped to set up and serve, and those who attended the Installation Masses and reception. I cannot tell you what an honor it was to sit with the Archbishop at the reception and see not only all the work that went into bringing the event together but also the sense of community between the members of our parishes. It was an amazing day and I am extremely grateful for the effort of all present.
Requests For:
· At this point, it is all but certain that the parishes of Saints Aloysius and Benedict will be receiving both a seminarian (a young man studying for the priesthood) AND a permanent deacon. The seminarian will be arriving in a few weeks and the deacon will be ordained on August 24. I request your prayers for these men and for their ministry at our parishes.
Two Parishes, One Heart, Fr. Adam