Pastor's Corner

November – Gratitude & Requests

November 3, 2024

During November, Catholics turn their attention and prayers in a special way to the Souls in Purgatory. The month begins with the dual celebrations of All Saints and All Souls. In these celebrations, we recognize that all the souls in heaven are saints (perhaps not Saints like Francis of Assisi, Saint Aloysius, or Saint Benedict, but saints nonetheless), and all those souls who are destined to be saints, but are not there yet, are in purgatory. Purgatory has gained a bad reputation in today’s society because it does not seem to fit with the concept of a loving God. If purgatory is seen as unbefitting to God, hell certainly is out the door. However, neither hell nor purgatory takes away from the trust we have in a loving God – in fact, they add to it! If God is a monster, and will not allow you to be distant from Him, well, then no hell and no purgatory. However, if we stick with a loving God that honors our free will, then hell and purgatory fit. Hell, therefore, is the ‘place’ for those souls who reject God, and purgatory is for those souls who need to be refined in their love of God before entering into the perfection of heaven. Have you ever heard someone speak about waiting in line at the pearly gates of heaven? What might this be except purgatory? This helps us to remember that there are no souls in purgatory who despair of God’s love; they are rather certain of God’s love and trust that they are being brought closer and closer to the perfect love of God. During the month of November, I invite parishioners of Saint Aloysius and Saint Benedict to bring in pictures of your loved ones who have passed on. We will have a special table set up to the side of the sanctuary, entrusting our loved ones to Saint Joseph. These photos will be well cared for and can be retrieved at the end of November.    

In Gratitude to:  

· Carol Brady, Cathy Sweatmon, and all the members of the women’s club and Saint Aloysius community for their help in making the annual craft fair a possibility and a success!

· The bereavement meal teams of both Saint Aloysius and Saint Benedict. It is not easy having funerals back to back and I am so grateful for the support that you have shown to these families experiencing grief and loss.  

· Those who attended, and especially those who brought food for, our first Angelus Potluck. I enjoy gathering with you all and discussing often complex and sometimes difficult realities in the Church and in the world. We look forward to future opportunities to do the same.

· Our church cleaning teams! Your work can sometimes go unnoticed, but I vey much appreciate the care that you all put into keeping our sacred spaces clean and welcoming. 

Requests for:  

Continued support from both parishes in the annual Catholic Services Appeal. I hope to have the campaign wrapped up by the new year, and with your continued efforts, we can see that happen.

Two Parishes, One Heart

Fr. Adam Carrico