- Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity: A Family AffairJune 4 It is not always easy to be family. Good parents, the old saying goes, give their children roots and wings, a sense of security and freedom to live their lives. But achieving such a balance is often accomplished only after years of working… Read more: Solemnity of The Most Holy Trinity: A Family Affair
- “On Being Church” – Pentecost SundayThe function of the Advocate is to testify or to bear witness to Jesus. This is to be done in conjunction with the community’s own testifying and witnessing. The activity of the community giving testimony and bearing witness is a visible manifestation of the Advocate… Read more: “On Being Church” – Pentecost Sunday
- “Loving means keeping the Commandments”6th Sunday of Easter – A “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” (Joh 14, 15) We hear these words in the middle of the great departing speech of Jesus, meant to comfort his disciples before he leaves them. But here we could almost… Read more: “Loving means keeping the Commandments”
- “Jesus: Our Bridge to the Father.”5th Sunday of Easter – A “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” In coming into the world to fulfill the Father’s plan, Jesus’s mission was to become for us, wayward sinners; the way to the Father, the truth of the Father and the… Read more: “Jesus: Our Bridge to the Father.”
- “Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk.3rd Sunday of Easter – A We have all heard the phrase: “Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk.” For example, “talk the talk” can mean that the person knows what he is talking about and speaks fluently and convincingly about the topic. It may also… Read more: “Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk.