April 14, 2024
Having just this past weekend been installed by Archbishop Shelton as your pastor, I remain delighted by the celebration and the fantastic way our community of two parishes came together! I cannot thank everyone enough for the beautiful Masses of Installation and the reception afterward – it was a delight. I also want to thank the Archbishop for his words of encouragement to both me and our community.
Having been installed as a pastor, I am struck by the language of the profession of faith and the oath of fidelity the pastor makes to the bishop and the people. This oath comes right after the pastor leads the people in reciting the Nicene Creed. The oath, therefore, references the Creed and everything that could be contained in a statement of belief made by a Catholic priest. I include the language of that oath so that you might take some time to ponder the profound significance of what the pastor is saying:
With firm faith I also believe everything contained in God’s Word,
written or handed down in tradition
and proposed by the Church,
whether in solemn judgment or in ordinary and universal magisterium,
as divinely revealed and calling for faith.
I also firmly accept and hold each and every thing
that is proposed by the Church definitively
regarding teaching on faith and morals.
Moreover, I adhere with religious submission of will and intellect
to the teachings which either the Roman Pontiff
or the college of bishops enunciate
when they exercise the authentic magisterium
even if they proclaim those teachings in an act
that is not definitive.
In my opinion, this is some profound language that leaves no room for the pastor to get creative or mess around with Church teachings. In case of any doubt, this is a good thing! We have been handed a sacred gift, the tradition, and teachings of the Catholic Church, and, as pastor, I am tasked with tirelessly handing on those traditions and teachings. If I ever preach or teach something that you feel is in error, I want you to feel confident that that is not my intention and that you can certainly ask me about it. I will gladly take back what I said if I am in error.
Two Parishes, One Heart
Fr. Adam